Healthy Relationships




Domestic Violence


What signs to look for

If you believe that you or someone else could be a victim of domestic abuse, there are signs that you can look out for including:

  • being withdrawn, or being isolated from family and friends

  • having bruises, burns or bite marks

  • having finances controlled, or not being given enough to buy food or pay bills

  • not being allowed to leave the house, or stopped from going to college or work

  • having your internet or social media use monitored, or someone else reading your texts, emails or letters

  • being repeatedly belittled, put down or told you are worthless

  • being pressured into sex

  • being told that abuse is your fault, or that you’re overreacting


If you are worried that someone you know is a victim of domestic abuse, you can call Refuge’s National Domestic Abuse Helpline for free, confidential support, 24 hours a day on 0808 2000 247. Visit the helpline website to access information on how to support a friend.

If you believe there is an immediate risk of harm to someone, or it is an emergency, always call 999.

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Domestic Violence : You can’t Boil a frog 🐸 in Hot water !!! 

How does it happen ?

What does Domestic Violence have to do with boiling a frog?  There is a fascinating 19th century science experiment.  As the story goes, researchers found that when they put a frog in a pan of boiling water, the frog just quickly jumped out.  On the other hand, when they put a frog in cold water and put the water to boil over time, the frog just boiled to death.  The hypothesis is that the change in temperature is so gradual, the frog does not realize it’s boiling to death. While the results of the experiment are in question it is a good metaphor to understand how cultures and Domestic Violence works..

Domestic Violence can be slow and Subtle

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It’s important for all of us to have personal boundaries. They dictate how we approach relationships with friends and acquaintances. Our boundaries help us live in-tune with our desires, needs, and feelings. We can say no to the things that we don’t want to do and yes to the things that we want to When we set healthy personal boundaries we begin to have improved self-confidence and a healthy self-concept. Our relationships improve because we are better able to communicate with others.

We can clearly state what we want and what we don’t want. When we feel that we have more fulfilling relationships we also feel like we have more stability and control over our lives. Being assertive about what you need is not being unkind. You can always stand up for yourself without hurting others. Using the words “I need” or I feel” and not pointing the finger at other, allows us to be assertive without offending someone