AKA Wellbeing Packages
Family Life Coaching
Family Life Coaching Well-being package
How can I begin to have a better work-life balance?
With government cuts and more services having to make difficult financial decisions, Professional's are having to focus their attention on families with more complex needs. This, therefore, means that some families no longer meet the criteria for support until it is too late i.e. a number of issues presenting at the same time. These changes have led to more working parents entering into the system and by this point, many are desperate for support. These issues can range from divorce, parental separation, Parental /Child mental health, relationship conflict issues, behavioural issues with their child, parents with children with a disability, debt and housing issues to name a few. Michelle, therefore, realised that all families would benefit from family support in order for them to help their families tackle a range of issues at an earlier stage.
With ever in increasing performance targets at work and family life issues, you may be feeling overwhelmed. This may have also lead to you losing your confidence, making you usually angry, irritable, or withdrawn. These could be signs and symptoms of work-life balance stress, which may include ie Feeling anxious, irritable, or depressed, apathy, loss of interest in work and problems sleeping. AKA Life coaching well-being packages include 1-1 or group well-being sessions. AKA Life Coaching will help employees to explore their goals, barriers to enable you to find solutions.
Emotional wellbeing
Have you recently been overwhelmed at work and feel like you can not shake yourself out of it . Are you ….
Finding that you do not have enough time
Feel like you have an Unhealthy Lifestyle
Taking On Too Much
Having Conflict In the workplace and or at home
Struggling to accept things as they are and that are out of your control.
Finding it difficult to take time out and relax
Struggling with family life issues ie a serious illness in the family, having to care for dependents, a bereavement, moving house, child having difficulties at school or debt problems.
Experiencing Major Life Changes ie moving house, returning from Maternity leave.
Would like to plan future goals, foster and maintain good relationship’s.
Family Coaching
Are you and or your partner struggling to manage your child’s behaviour .Does your child….
Frequently have tantrums
Refuse to listen
Seems addiction to Gadgets and computer game
Refusing to complete home work
Has poor eating habits and or is a fussy eater.
showing signs of violence and aggression
Has an attitude and is having troubles inside and outside of school
Unmanageable Sibling Rivalry
Need developmental and milestone support ie toileting, sleep, concerns that you child might have a disability .
Would like support maintaining a good relationship with your child
Parenting Programmes
Mellow parenting (0-5),
Solihull (0-5),
Cygnet Autistic Parenting programme (0-18),
Strengthening families, strengthening communities (0-18),
Prevent (children presenting with Antisocial behaviour),
Parent conflict (Tavistock).
Power to change (Domestic Abuse),
Michelle Alexander is a trained facilitator of the following programmes . (See www.akalifecoaching.com for full training list)