AKA Men Making a Difference
Why is having good Male Role Models and Mental Resilience important ?
Hey there if you don’t know me already my name is Michelle Alexander I am the Founder of AKA Life Coaching . Welcome to our second addition of AKA Men Making a difference , First of all I would like to say Happy Fathers Day and hope you have a wonderful day. This Month AKA Man Making a difference is Ezra i was lucky to meet him via ZOOM lool as he was delivering a training on Mindset and Resilience which my colleague recommended. I tell you this story not only because the training was amazing (see you tube video ) but because are chance meeting inspired me to contact him and suggest he should be our June AKA M.M.A.D.
We spoke on the phone like we have known each other for years. Ezra has over a decade of leadership experience leading, coaching, mentoring, influencing and developing teams, and over 4 years of managing services within the criminal justice system supporting service users around substance misuse and offending in 1-2-1 and group work setting.
Speaking to Ezra reminded me of how important it is to dispel the myths of black males and the importance of self reflection. My own father although he had many fault’s gave me a great sense of pride in carrying my Surname and would tell me all the time that I was an Alexander and I to this day wear the name as a badge of honour . It got me questioning …….
So why are fathers important in our lives ?
When it comes to parenting it can sometimes feel like fathers are second best. Depictions of dads in popular culture push the stereotype of fathers as incompetent, emotionally disconnected, “secondary” parents who are not nearly as important to their children as their mothers. As a result, Fathers are often pressured to take a backseat when it comes to being involved with raising their kids and can face ridicule for things like admitting that they help change nappies or expressing an interest in taking paternity leave. In reality, although a mother’s love is important and special, having an active father figure plays an equally important role in the healthy development of a child.
Here are 5 important ways fathers impact child development:
1. Increase Intellect.
Dad might be a bit silly and fun at times , but an active father can help increase your child’s emotional intelligence and problem-solving capabilities. Studies show that children with fathers who were actively involved throughout the 1st year of their child’s life perform better on cognitive development assessments and demonstrate an increased capacity for curiosity and exploration. Children raised with active dads tend to score higher on verbal and math tests and are less likely to drop out of school or commit youth crimes.
2. Boost Confidence.
The emotional support provided by a father to his child is a priceless gift. By helping children to understand how much they are valued and loved, children with supportive fathers are more likely to have high self-esteem and are generally happier and more confident. They also demonstrate a greater tolerance for stress/frustration, less hesitation/fear in new situations and an increased ability to resist peer pressure and stand up for themselves.
3. Someone To Look Up To.
Fathers provide a positive male role model for their children and help to promote/reinforce good behaviors. As a result, children with more involved fathers tend to have fewer behavioral and impulse control problems, longer attention spans and a higher level of sociability. These children also tend to be more compassionate and generous, with an increased awareness of the needs and rights of others.
4. Provide A Different Perspective.
Children are naturally full of questions, and mothers and fathers approach those questions in different ways. Active parents with different approaches to parenting can be a great way to expose children to a broad range of thinking and problem-solving. Active fathers have a unique opportunity to share their perspective on life and teach their kids valuable life skills!
5. Feel The Love!
It’s the most obvious thing to say, but that doesn’t make it any less important – having an active father makes a child feel loved! Having dad as a steady source of love and encouragement helps ensure that children grow up happy and healthy, with high self-esteem.
Being an active father is one of the most important things you can do for your child. If you’re a new dad or just want to learn more about how you can make a positive impact on your child’s life, Book now by Contact us on 07841864315
Email AKA LIFE COACHING for more information on Family Life Coaching for Men (Co-Parenting and Carers ):
Support Services for Men.
Separation / Divorce.
I’m now the Primary Parent / Carer giver.
I want support with my childs disability.
Caring for a elderly or sick relative .
Learn MORE ABOUT Ezra Ben-Yisrael and his Service’s.
I will be delivering a Networking with Purpose webinar on the 9th of July. Click on the link below for more information.
What is Mental Resilience ?
https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/networking-with-purpose-workshop-tickets-45099011357I will be delivering a free seven-part series webinar starting in August, that will empower individuals by exploring and discussing the following topics:
§ Laying the foundations.
§ The 3 P’s that drive us.
§ Time to let go and be free.
§ Self-Leadership.
§ Overcoming challenges.
§ Values and Goals.
§ Self-Mastery.
Ezra Ben-Yisrael ,Unlocking Your Insight -Dynamic & Motivational Trainer