Aka Show me you care

Hey There,

In today's fast-paced world and cost of living crisis, it's becoming increasingly challenging for families to balance their personal and professional lives, leading to stress, burnout, decreased productivity and “the great resignation”.

"Don't miss out on the opportunity to support your employees through these challenging times. Order your Family Life Coaching vouchers today and show them that you care." AKA Life Coaching founder Michelle Alexander

Approaching half of the UK workforce 44% are combining paid work with caring responsibilities at one time. The majority of those with caring responsibilities are looking after children under the age of 18 but 36% of carers are responsible for an adult of working age or older.

To help address this issue, I highly recommend investing in family life coaching wellbeing vouchers, which has been shown to have a significant positive impact on both the family and the workplace.

The majority of those with Caring responsibilities are looking after children under the age of 18 but surprisingly 36% of carers are responsible for an adult of working age or older.

 The majority of those with caring responsibilities “want to share care with someone else but this is not always possible”.

1 in 2 women trying to share care said “they ended up doing more than half their fair share of caring - 40% of these women said it was because their partner/other carers work patterns / culture is not supportive of combining work and care.

But what does this mean for your business and or service BITC Report highlights that “Difficulties combining in paid work and caring are pushing some groups down and out of the workforce”.

 Through family life coaching, employees can learn effective communication and conflict resolution skills, time management techniques, can be signposted to early intervention services and develop stress management strategies. This, in turn, can help them create a better work-life balance, leading to increased job satisfaction and motivation, reduced absenteeism, and improved performance.

What better way to achieve success than by investing in your employees' well-being and happiness? By offering family life coaching, you'll not only be showing your commitment to your employees but also contributing to a more productive and thriving workplace.

If you have any questions or would like to discuss this further, please don't hesitate to reach out and or share with someone you feel will benefit from our holistic support, supporting women, families, carers and underrepresented groups. Let’s support people that care, by purchases your employees #showmeyoucare family life coaching wellbeing vouchers.


Parents / Guardians

"Our Family Life Coaching vouchers are designed to be easy and convenient to use.”1 in 2 women trying to share care responsibilities said “they ended up doing more than half their fair share of caring - 40% of these women said it was because their partner/other carers work patterns / culture is not supportive of combining work and care.

Carers/ Families

"Don't miss out on the opportunity to support your employees through these challenging times. Order your Family Life Coaching vouchers today and show them that you care."  94% of those polled agreed that caring responsibilities should be shared equally, regardless of gender, 68% of carers said they were joint carers 22 % said they were lone carers.

Company wellbeing

Approaching half of the UK workforce 44% are combining paid work with care at one time. The majority of those with responsibilities are looking after children under the age of 18 but 36% of carers are responsible for an adult of working age or older. Prices start at just £60 for our family life coaching 1 hr wellbeing voucher.