#IamRemarkable workshop
to Jun 30

#IamRemarkable workshop

  • Google Calendar ICS

Dear Participants, 

We look forward to seeing you Wednesday 30 June at 7:30 pm at the #IamRemarkable workshop which will take place at ​Micro-soft.

Quick reminders: 

1. Please arrive at least 10 minutes before the start time. We want to get the most from our time together!

2. Bring your laptop/ tablet /smartphone but note that you will not use it until the end of the program. We will enforce a tech-free hour so any calls should happen before or after.

3. ​[Optional- if you would like me to send some links from the lit review please let me know.

Feel free to review the below research, some of which we’ll cover during the workshop, to help understand the research behind self-promotion and set the stage for the workshop exercises.

If you have any questions or are no longer able to participate, please reach out to Michelle Alexander. Thank you and we look forward to your participation! Best, Michelle Alexanderinfo@akafamilylifecoaching.com

You're invited to a Teams meeting!

#IamRemarkable a Google initiative 


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