Sleep when the baby sleeps
Try to get into a routine
Do what feel right for you and your baby
Breast is best
Try not to compare your pregnancy to everyone else
It's OK to ask for help
Don't Google everything
Don't eat for two
Discuss when you would like visitors .If you feel like Banning visitors in the first couple of days so you can have time with your new baby alone the do that.
Make sure you allow time for a nap
Don't worry about the housework after the birth Accept all offers of help from family and friends
Don't rush to lose the baby weight
Speak to your midwife/health visitor/GP if you have any concerns
Fill the freezer with homemade meals before the baby arrives
Be prepared to feel overjoyed, terrified and overwhelmed all at once /Be prepared for a flood of mixed emotions after the birth.
Talk about how you're feeling/how you're coping (good or bad)