Assumptions : What are you assuming to be true?
Hello there if you don’t know me already, My name is Michelle Alexander I am the founder and Managing Director of AKA Life Coaching Transformational Life Coaching for Women. I go by many names Michelle, Mech, Nana, Alexander.
This blog is a monthly journal of my thoughts and insights during the Month, Thank you for tuning in. Its been a busy month, so what have I been up to I have attended a number of webinars and Zoom Events with Former Prime minister of Australia Julia Gillard, Natwest, Dragons den panelist and entrepreneur Rachel Elnaugh “Founder of Red Letter days” to name a few. Never did I believe that my dream would develop into a vision that has become bigger than i could imagine .
A year ago when I first visualized my coaching practice ,i thought about helping the community and just starting a side hustle. My dream was a business that would enable me to help society, my mother when she retired, My daughter and my family. But any person that knows me, knows that although i am quiet I am a tiger when I see injustice and will jump over wall’s to help someone in trouble lool true story but thats for another day. Over time My vision of the business has grown to a vision that is accessible nationally.
The purpose of AKA Life Coaching is to ensure that all Families have the tools they need to deal with the complexities of life. As a Family Life Coach I am passionate about supporting people to explore their narrative’s, belief’s and values . Life coaching helps you to reflect on what thoughts can be contributing to the habits , patterns, assumptions and decision’s that we continue to make in our lives .
Quote “Change your mind set change your life .”
”If you told me 2 years ago that it would have been possible for me to open my own business , that I would design a website and that I would have held three events. I would have said you are crazy”. On the day i started thinking about opening / registering my business a Coach who had wrote an article and was on the list of recommended Forbes coaches contacted me to say that she liked my concept and the rest is history.
This made me think of the positive and negative assumptions we make and how they play a big part in the narrative of our lives. I often think if I never went back to that second coaching training day or if I didn’t agree to giving “ Cambridge University Graduates ” Pablo and Michael my number as they wanted me to be part of their Mastermind group , if I didn’t attend Virgin Masterclass “How to build a knockout brand” they would never have sent me the information to applied to Natwest back her Business and i wouldn’t be now receiving Business coaching . It is clear that making assumptions and saying YES or NO can have a big impact on our lives.
The tragic death of George Floyd, Covid 19 continues to encourage me to reflect. What continuous assumptions am i making about My selves ? how are those assumptions holding me and society back ? and what assumption does society hold that can hold us back if we let it . BIG QUESTIONS ???
So why is this important …Our beliefs and values and experience underpin all the decisions we make .Which informs our narrative of the world. They say look at a persons diary and you can tell what is important to a person but is that really true or is that another assumption. The truth is you will never really know until you listen to a person. But listening isn’t just the words that you say sometimes it’s the words that your not saying and the actions that your not taking that gives the clues away. As the saying goes ..... ‘A person can give to charity for TWO VERY DIFFERENT REASONS , ONE is to HELP and one is to HAVE CHEAPER TAXES .’
What assumptions are you making about your job, business, friends, family, capabilities and the world ? are they true or just an assumption lool.
My purpose in the world continues to become clearer, here are some thought provoking questions that you may like to ask yourself xoxo
Our thinking, feelings, decision-making and actions are driven by assumptions. The good ideas and feelings come from Liberating assumptions .The negative ones come from untrue limiting assumptions .
What am I assuming that is limiting my thinking?
What am I assuming that is most limiting my thinking?
Is that assumption true?
What is a liberating true alternative to the limiting assumption?
If I knew (insert true alternative ) What would I think of feel or do?
Awareness is the beginning of change.
Dont think of what can go wrong, but what can go right .
Positive thinking, healthy food alternatives, mediation, dancing, exercise, learn an instrument
Put things into perspective.
Stop waiting for perfection (The aim for perfection is unrealistic, impractical and debilitating at times)
Change your views of fear.
Give yourself boundaries : set yourself that time to think and analyse.
Write down all the things that you are worried about and what is working well ?
Realize you cant predict the future
Accept your best effort : often we may think we are not good enough or hardworking enough or smart enough.
Be grateful : You cant have a regretful thought and a grateful thought at the same time .So why not spend the time positively ?
Get a gratitude buddy and exchange lists .
Natwest Business Coaching - If only I was rich or Successful - Lets talk assumptions …..