AKA Navigate Parenting


AKA Youth: Navigate Family life coaching programme

Most parents will agree that being a parent in the 21 st century is more complex than ever. Not only is it more difficult financially but as a parent many of the topic’s your child may need support with you have never dealt with before. Whether your child has additional needs, adhd, autism, you are navigating the EHC plan process, your child has an addiction to video games, your child is struggling at school academically, being bullied, has been robbed, has a mental health issue, has been sexting and it has gone around the school, self-harming, child has a friend that has recently committed suicide, is struggling with their identity, has come out as LGBTQIA,is involved in a gang, is struggling with parental separation or struggling with their wellbeing since covid.


These are just some of the topic’s parents may have to support their child/ren with, which can have a huge impact on your family dynamics. Awareness is key but also are you prepared to support your child with different situations and or to you have the tools to discuss and answer  tough questions. The tools you have in your tool kit may not support you in 21st century parenting nore will hoping it will go away.


1:6 children have a mental health issue and with all that they have to now deal with in their lives. Why as adults are we surprised? also 1:4 adults have a mental health issue. Therefore, how does this combination impact our environments, community and parenting.

“ I am on a mission to revolutionise parenting support so that every child and adult has the support and life skills they need to succeed. As if you fail to plan you are  planning to fail and hurt people hurt people even if they don’t mean too. If you or someone you know needs help you are not alone. Contact AKA Life Coaching for Support navigating the changing world.”

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