About  Me

Who is Michelle Alexander?

My name is Michelle Alexander I am Life Coaching and Early Intervention Practitioner .23 years ago i would have never believed that I would have gone to Buckingham Palace ,attended question time ,become a Manager for 14 Years ,have worked in Early Intervention and now opened my own business.

I am trained in Coaching , Management, Early Intervention ,Assessor ,Child care and Education ,Parenting facilitator, Health relationships, ,Autism and work for a cooperate nursery chain for many years .

(see details below for full list)

Click here - download (training list )

As a Teenage parent many people believed that having a baby so young meant that my life was over .But the raised eyebrows and Love for my daughter only made me more determined to achieve my goals.

It is amazing what can happen when you have Clear Goals and the right support network around you .

This is why I'm so Passionate about Transforming the lives of Women ,to repay , give back and show gratitude to the many mentors that have helped sculpture my journey over the years.

When I first became a young parent I naively thought that if I had a partner ,my life would have been easier and more balanced .I thought that the duties would have  just been halved. But After 23 years working with Women & families (18 years in Early Years and Education and 5 years of working in Early intervention /Social Care) ,I have come to realise for many women this is often not the case .When they have a partner/Husbands this can sometimes mean they have more people to support and care for . ie Husband ,Father & Mother in laws etc.

Why did you choose the name for your  Business and your LOGO?

"AKA" stands for Also known as “As many people don’t know what Life Coaching is”

Why the Eyes? “I believe that a woman's eyes often give away how she is truly feeling”

How do you hope to impact Equality? 

At AKA Life Coaching we support women  to ensure they have the equality they deserve at work and in their home lives .

What support is out there for women that would like to start a new business ?https://www.crowdfunder.co.uk/back-her-business

Back Her Business is designed to support the set-up of new female-led businesses (whether for profit or not for profit) in the UK by enabling women to test their business ideas (projects).Together they helped me raise money for my business through crowdfunding. I realise £1707.00.

Project : https://natwestbackherbusiness.co.uk/aka-life-coaching-ltd

Helpful Reading : The Alison Rose Review of female entrepreneurship


What book has impacted your desire for equality for women?

The moment of lift :How Empowering Women Changes the World -MELINDA GATES

Chapter The silent inequality The unequal balance of balance of unpaid work

“what do I mean by unpaid work? its work performed in the home, like childcare or other forms of care-giving, cooking, cleaning, shopping, and errands done by a family member who is not being paid .” Melinda Gates

We can’t solve inequality in unpaid work until we see the gender bias beneath it. Exposing gender bias is a stunning experience for people who suddenly see their own blind spots it doesn’t matter where on earth you live.

On average, women around the world spend more than twice as many hours as men on unpaid work, but the range of the disparity is wide. In India, women spend 6 hours a day doing unpaid work, while men spend less than 1 .In the US women average more than 4 hours of unpaid work every day ,men average  just 2.5 .In Norway, women spend 3.5 hours a day on unpaid work, while men spend about 3.There is NO COUNTRY where the GAP is ZERO .this mean that on average ,WOMEN do SEVEN YEARS MORE of UNPAID WORK than MEN over their lifetimes. That’s about the time it takes to complete a BACHELORS and a MASTERS DEGREE.

What is the best book that you have read this year ?

Malcom Gladwell :Talking to Strangers “Changed my life forever, thought provoking ”


Who are the most interesting people you have  meet this year?

Michelle Obama “i went to her book tour”


Black Magic awards :Beverly knight ,Baroness Doreen Lawrence  MBE ,Afua Hirsch and June Sarpo .


David  Gauke MP:”Previous lord chancellor and secretary of state for justice minster of justice Re:Young offending “


Professor David Shemming :  “ Mentalization Emeritus Professor of Child Protection Research”


David Lamming MP “Book tour Tribe and black history Month”


George the poet “how was awards a MBE and refused it”


Valentino Achak Deng;New York best seller :What is the what https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/What_Is_the_What

The Autobiography of Valentino Achak Deng is a 2006 novel written by Dave Eggers. It is based on the life of Valentino Achak Deng, a Sudanese child refugee who immigrated to the United States under the Lost Boys of Sudan program. It was a finalist for the National Book Award. We met at the  embassy of Belgium  in Uganda .

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